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Наше портфоліо
Перегляньте портфоліо проектів, щоб побачити, як ми шукали інноваційне мислення на практиці. пропонує широкий спектр консалтингових послуг і досвіду для інкубації нових венчурних бізнесів.

LSN has brought together a combination of world firsts, combining Jordanian medical expertise and delivery with world-leading British technology. Unique prosthetic socket technology means patients can be fitted with functioning limbs in less than two hours.

At the heart of the MASU model's success is direct communication between international design teams and medics on the ground. This connection ensures that support for day-to-day problem-solving is readily available and that priorities for immediate development are clearly identified.
The development of a soft prosthetic design for above-elbow amputees emerged as a critical need through these direct conversations.
The development of a soft prosthetic design for above-elbow amputees emerged as a critical need through these direct conversations.

The demand for prosthetics in this conflict can be met fast with the Restoring Hope initiative. Being able to walk as soon as possible gives amputees much better clinical and mental health outcomes. Prosthetic users can immediately start leading independent and productive lives. Becoming mobile means being able to work and contribute to the family and community.

The unprecedented number of child amputees in Gaza demands specialised care. The World Health Organisation estimates 10 children a day have become amputees in Gaza since the conflict began. Through Restoring Hope, LSN is driving the development of world-first fast-fitting remouldable prosthetics for children.

MASU medics can fit 6-8 patients in a day, when the conventional process may take weeks or months with 2-3 patient trips to the medical centre. The development of rapid-fitting technology by UK engineers was a direct result of frontline feedback about the need for a quicker, more efficient fitting processes. Seeing the impact of their work on patients' lives, creates a powerful motivator for engineers that goes beyond traditional professional incentives.

Restoring Hope is providing amputees in Gaza with functioning prosthesis in 1.5 hours, as well as follow-up care by combining groundbreaking technology in prosthetics, digital health and logistics in a world-first approach.
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